Sunday, February 8, 2009

Auctioneering 101: How to talk to Others

Your end purpose is more money, well, that and to maintain (at least for me) a courteous business relationship with all people I come in contact with. There are almost an infinite number of ways to squeeze out a little more money out of any sale, but these sales almost always involve interaction with others. It is during these times when you can shave at least 10%-25% off any purchase.

For example, tonight I have the Design: Thundering Skyfire Diamond pattern up for sale. I’m selling it fairly cheaper than the average/median price of near 600g. But this server is an RP server and is fairly cheap, especially on Horde side, where my main lives. Someone mailed me in a polite way - which automatically means they are open to a negotiation attempt to me - asking if I might sell it to them… CoD it to be precise, for 400g. It’s exactly what I would do, especially if I actually wanted to use it and not resell it. So, being that I’ve had this particular design up for a few days at a little less than average, and no takers, and I bought it for less anyway, I mailed him back this message: If you can do it for 450, it’s yours. Let me know. I haven’t yet heard back (WoW is open on another tab) but I’m pretty confident, since I didn’t ask for too much more, he’ll go for it.

Always try and squeeze a little more from a deal. If you’re actually chatting with someone and they have an item for 100g up for sale, ask if they wouldn’t mind (yes, be polite) selling it to you for 85g. That’s especially if the item normally goes for more than the 100g he’s asking. If it goes for about 85 usually and this guy is just trying to squeeze out more himself, ask for even less, like 75. If he says no, he’s only being greedy and just pass it up. Of course, I would never buy an item to resell for 75g that usually goes for just 85g. That’s too little profit margin on a mid-priced item. I’d rather just pass it by.

Essentially, here are some guidelines for dealing with others:
Be polite. Someone who is polite has more credibility.
Don’t be a pushover and be firm. Be polite but also don’t be afraid to say “no thanks” or “I can’t do it for less than xy amount”. Know your limits and be confident.
Always ask for a better deal, even if you’re already getting one. This is unless you are sure that it’s a great deal and in that case you just want to get it done with fast so the item is in your hands. As I mentioned in a previous post, in this case, don’t dilly dally with chatter; they may change their mind. Don’t act like you’re excited but do seem a little grateful. A thank you is appropriate but not much else before it is in your hands.
Don’t trade for an item in person and immediately run to the AH to put it back up. That’s just bad etiquette, even if you were going to put it up anyway. Wait a bit or until they’re logged off, or transfer it to another character and have him/her do it.
Don’t engage in lame chitchat in the trade channel. If you have a lot for sale, you will already be making a name for yourself, and if you charge insane prices, not a very good one. But at that point, I guess it doesn’t matter. I see the insane priced people engage in these back-and-forths quite often… they just don’t seem to care. Me, wanting to maintain some honor (yes, I know that may not get me the most money), tend to just not get involved. I think of it as a game of “let’s see how much money I can make while maintaining respect and honor”. It’s a different sort of game, but one I’m content with and still have lots of money.
Don’t respond emotionally to accusations of your being a farmer, as if you are putting a lot up for sale, will inevitably happen. Even if you post your stuff for “average” or “below average” prices, they will be out of reach for most people and they’ll almost always have something to say, especially if you advertise your wares in the trade channel.
When you advertise, don’t spam. Once every time you are logged on is enough. I usually say “[item] now for sale in the AH. Good price.” Sometimes that gets challenged. If is below average, I usually state it calmly in trade and that’s all.