Wednesday, September 26, 2007

World of Warcraft Rogue Guide - Grinding Guide From Levels 30-44

This is a guide made specifically for rogues and will help out your leveling tremendously and it also will give great places to grind as well as make you tons of extra gold while leveling.
First things first, here is a list of items that you will find very useful while grinding and will help reduce cooldown time between fights as well as helping you dish out the most DPS you can while grinding:

Frost Oil x 4
Instant Poison x 20
Thistle Tea x 5 – helps a lot whenever you are in trouble because it will help you kill things quicker. Great to use whenever you are fighting 2 mobs at the same time.
Soothing Turtle Bisque x 20 – This gives you +8 Stamina (80 more life) and +8 Spirit, nuff said.
Bandages x 20 – You can probably figure this out.
Healing Potion x 5 – Same goes with these.
Next thing we need to analyze is what spec you want to use when grinding. Just remember this really is just a base as you should see what you would rather use that would fit your playstyle better:
Assassination2 points in Remorseless Attacks5 points in Malice
Combat5 points in Lightning Reflexes2 points in Sinister Strike3 points in Backstab4 points in Dagger/Dual Wield Specialization
Next thing we want to focus on is equipment that you can use at level 30. I'm not going to tell you which equipment you must have as long as you remember you want to have high DPS and a good crit chance. Any equipment that helps out that bottom line would be good to use.
Now we are off to the different grinding spots!

30-34 – You have a couple of different choices here. Vul'Gor Ogre Mound in Duskwood (west of the road leading to STV), you could also grind on the Tigers and Panthers while doing the mastery quests from Nesingwary's Camp in STV (of course, you might want to avoid this area if you are on a PvP server as you will more than likely be ganked a lot.), Last but not least there is Dustwallow Marsh which might be a little bit safer than STV, you can grind on the tons of animals there and also get tons of leather from skinning.

34-36 – Stanglethorn Vale at Lake Nazferiti, you can grind on the Venture Co. Geologists and Mechanics. They tend to drop a decent amount of silver per kill (around 2-3) as well as green drops.

36-39 – Arathi Highlands you can grind out your heart's content at the different Elemental binding areas. They tend to drop great cash and some items that sell on the AH pretty well. Only downside to this is the elementals are immune to poison so DPS might be down a little bit. On some servers these areas are camped 24/7 so you really want to see if there are people there already before getting started.

38-42 – Another great place you can grind is Badlands. There are tons of animals everywhere which you can quickly kill and skin. Just make sure you have tons of room in your bags for all the vendor trash you pick up.

39-44 – Tanaris just south of Steamwheedle Port is a beach that is covered in turtles which you can grind on and skin. You can make an extra 15g an hour while grinding these. Every little bit helps! :)

If you play a WoW rogue and have a guide that you have written and you would like to see it on this website please feel free to drop me an e-mail to get it listed on this site.

World of Warcraft Grinding Locations Guide

This guide will be the "mother of all guides" when it comes to grinding locations. Many of you have asked about a guide that has nothing but grinding locations for WoW so here you go! All of these spots have been tested and verified and for some ppl are the best grinding locations that they often spend time at. Remember, if you don't have time to grind yourself or you need gold in a hurry check out this gold/powerleveling resource.

Warning: You might see some World of Warcraft cheaters using bots in these spots. The grinding spots are in order of level and class of character.
All the gold counts per hour just stands for the amount of actual gold you make while grinding and vendoring the trash items. It doesn't include any items sold to the auction house. I want to expand this guide even more so if you have a grinding spot please let me know and I will add it here.
(**Level and class of character**)(**Location**)(**Level of Mobs**)(**Total Amount of Gold per hour in that spot**)

Level 32 Warrior (Arms spec)
Location: Shimmering Flats, running laps skinning/mining en route
Level of Mobs = 30-35
Total Gold = 3.3g/hr

Level 33 Mage
Location: Shimmering Flats
Level: 30-35 critters
Total Gold = 3.24g/hr

Level 35 Warlock
Location: Boulderfist Outpost (near Refugee Pointe)
Level of Mobs = 30 - 32
Total Gold = 2.50g/hour

Level 38 Rogue
Location: Deadmines
Level of Mobs = 15-25Total Gold = 7.55 g/hr

Level 44 mage
Location: STV gorillas NE of BB
Level of Mobs = 40-41
Total Gold = 4.5g/hr

Level 44-45 Mage
Location: STV Nagas NW of BB
Level of Mobs = 43-44
Total Gold = 2.68g/hr

Level 47 Warrior.
Location: Tanaris Ogre camp
Level of Mobs = 46-48
Total Gold/hour = about 4g/hour

Level 47 Paladin
Location: Undead in Azshara
Level: 45-47 IIRC
Total Gold: About 6-7g/hour

Level 48 Druid
Location: Tanaris(SandSorrow Watch)
Level of Mobs = 43-45 Elite Trolls
Total Gold = 5g/hr

Level 48 NE Hunter
Locations: Scarlet Monastery grounds and interior Outside the instances
Level of Mobs = 29-32 Elite
Total Gold = 4.66g/hr

Level 48 Warrior.
Location: The Slag Pit in Searing Gorge
Level of Mobs = 46-48
Total Gold = about 6g/hour

Level 50 Mage
Location: The Hinterlands
Level: 49-50 Saltwater Turtles on the Shore North of Horde town.
Total Gold: 6.60g/hour

Level 54 Hunter
Location: Nagas in AzsharaLevel:
Lvl 48-51
Total Gold: 15g/hour

Level 56 Hunter
Location: Razorfen Downs
Level: 37-42 Elite mobs
Total Gold: 5.06g/hr

Level 58 Rogue
Location: Scarlet Monastery - Library Section
Level of Mobs = 32-35 Elite
Total Gold = 19 - 21g/hour

Level 60 Hunter
Location: All Blue Dragonkin, Azshara loc roughly (39,77)
Level of Mobs = around 51 elite
Total Gold = 7g34s/30 minutes

Level 60 Hunter
Location: STV - Cold Eye Baslisks
Level of Mob: lvl 40
Total Gold: 4g50s/hr

Level 60 Paladin
Location: Khazaran, Deadwind Pass
Level: 59-60 Undead Residents
Total Gold = 4g44s/hr

Level 60 rogue
Location: Jadefire Run - Demons - Northwest Felwood
Level of Mobs = 51-54
Total Gold = 5.67g/hour

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How To Make 500 Gold with Skinning

Please note that this requires a fair amount of time input in the two days to actually have this kind of outcome, So don't kick a fuss if it doesn't work for you because you don't put in the time.
This is another guide that I have used and found extremely useful IF you have the time required to make this profitable. Yes, it can yield you 500 gold in 2 days but you will have to play 8 hours a day in order to do it! For some people this just isn't realistic.
The Good News?I have found a great gold supplier that I have been using. Click here to find out more.
Ok with that said...on with the guide!
Angerclaw Maulers Felwood, X37, Y44.
I'm taking it upon myself to let everyone know about this because I have made a sickly amount of gold here lately, and a very disturbing amount in the past 2 weeks.

As a 60 Rogue in full epic gear(bloodfang) I can kill these in about 7 seconds each, literally. The respawn rate is insanely fast, When you kill the whole spawn camp of them which is about 11-12 and take a 1 minute break you'll start having respawns to kill.
Where does the money come from you ask?
First you have some stackable gray items that are very commonly dropped:
Large Bear Bone(Non-Stackable) - 14s 84c eachBear Jaw(Stackable) - 8s 98c -- 89s 80c per Stack of 10.Savage Bear Claw(Stackable) - 5s 78c -- 57s 80c per Stack of 10.Bear Flank(Stackable) - 5s 78c -- 57s 80c per Stack of 10.Wicked Claw(Stackable) - 5s -- 25s per Stack of 5.
I make anywhere from 9 to 13 gold in gray items per hour here.
Even without the skinning compared to most places this is a great camp for gold/hr. But skinning is where a lot of the money to come from if you want the results like I get.
You can skin Rugged and Thick leather off of these. My server prices are 2.50g per stack of Rugged and 1.50g per stack of Thick. Server prices are going to range, The intake of gold on this obviously is based only on my servers prices, But you will still make amazing gold here if you put the time in.
So where does all the money come from?
I take 8 hours a day and I run it here, Straight. Not every day, Usually in the evenings and into the late hours on the nights I'm not raiding and occasionally if there is a third day I'll get up around 7am to start and I can be done around mid afternoon so I can enjoy the day or do something else in game.
A single hour run brings on brings me in 6 Stacks of Rugged Leather and 5 stacks of Thick Leather. I don't know if it's because my kill rate is fast or just pure luck, But I can't remember when I have come away from this with less leather then that in an hours run.
6x 2.50g = 15g per hour5x 1.50g = 7.5g per hour
If I average out my usual grey items income per hour then I come away with 10.5g per hour. I'm going to edit this tomorrow and record all of my drops and leather intake from my 8 hours, But this is accurate. I've been making money like this for months now.
Now, On to the juicy part...
Intake per hour based on Leather sales on the AH is 22.50g Per HOUR.
Intake per hour based on sellable greys averages out at about 10.50g
33 Gold per hour.Wipe the drool off keyboard and keep reading :P
I run this 8 hours per day, Two days a week. Sometimes 3 but rarely. Skinning is obviously required to get the bigger chuck of change for your time. Some of you all day BG'ers could make literally thousands of gold here in a week if you took a week off from all day long BG and went here, Just a thought. And I'm not exaggerating. Thousands.
I try to run these 2 days back to back and I generally refuse to put up my auctions and vendor until I have my 16 hours worth of loot. I just throw it all in the bank.
At the end of my 2 days I usually end up taking 510g - 545g out of my mailbox. +\- a few gold for randomness of drops.
I have over 5000g in my bag right now. If you want an exact number then it's 5649g. All of that gold was made in this spot except about 600g.
Maybe some of you should thinking of switching professions :P
Anyway, This made me rich. Simple as that, Hopefully it will do the same for you.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Part 4:World of Warcraft Guides - How To Make WoW Gold

There’s one more thing you can do to make some extreme money, but keep in mind that everything requires an investment of time and money and this will require a lot of both. There are lots of faction based patterns/plans/etc recently implemented in WoW.

Some of them are as simple as killing tons (and I mean thousands) of Furbolgs until you are honored/revered with the Timbermaw Furbolgs, some as daunting as turning in thousands of Dark Iron Ores to the Thorium Brotherhood. Were talking a couple thousand gold worth of investment right there if you don’t mine it yourself. 99.9% of the players in this game wouldn’t touch this with a 10 foot pole, simply because they either don’t want to waste their energy to achieve this level (which is totally understandable you have to be crazy to do this), or they don’t understand the benefit of knowing how to make these epic items. Its basic logic thoughlets say you invest 2000 gold to become revered with the Thorium Brotherhood. You learn how to make the revered epic items. Congratulations you’re probably one of the .01% of the people on your server than can make them. And you know what? 99.9% of the people on the server want those items because they’re some of the best gear/weapons in the game! There’s one guy on my server that makes weapons for 4000-5000g each. It doesn’t take a math genius to see that the return on investment can be very lucrative! Some of you will say Oooh but Gen how in the hell am I supposed to get 2000g to invest in this? Well, you could either plan ahead and mine the dark iron ore yourself (for Thorium Brotherhood, for the others anyone can do it), or do what I did and sell what you can sell like a madman and save save! Others will say Yeah but Gen all of those high end materials come from Molten Core and they cost thousands of gold to buy the mats! This is true, but as I said before this is the upper echelon of making money, and it takes big money to make big money. You don’t go to Las Vegas with 20 bucks and expect to win thousands of dollars do you?
Phase Four Any Level Oh you crafty bastard!

So this isn’t really a fourth phase, its more of a bonus chapter of things I did/do to make money. There’s no real rhyme or reason to it, its just the extra things I’ve done along the way that aren’t really profession related. I never mentioned them in my first guide because A) I wanted to keep it legit, these things aren’t anything you can do to depend on an income but if they happen look out! And B) Im still making money on several of these so I didn’t want to spill the beans just yet lol! I wont go into super detail here because I want you to use your brain not to figure out exactly what I do, but to figure out things I haven’t even thought of!

Oh I’m a poor guy! On rare occasion you will see someone selling an item in the trade channel. If its something you know is a hot seller, msg them and ask the price. Sometimes they will flat out be stupid and give you a low price. Buy it, wait one day, and put it on the AH for what its really worth. If they reply with a price that’s pretty much what its worth, say oh gee, I can only afford *insert low number here* I doubt you’d sell it for that. Oh well thank you I appreciated it. You will be surprised how many times they will sell it for that amount or close to it. I’ve done that at least 20 times with sniper scope schematics alone! Am I proud of myself for doing it? No, I am not. Am I happy to have the extra gold? Hell yes!

Wholesale Materials If you find yourself crafting the same items over and over, you’ll start to pick up a trend of certain materials that you use in large quantities. The best thing to do is to buy them in bulk for a cheaper unit price. Sure, you’re eating more money up front, but your profit margin will be way larger (what, you weren’t going to pass those savings onto your customers were you?!?!) There’s several ways to do it, but my two favorites are the AH and gold farmers. On the AH you might see 100 stacks of heavy leather, all with 2g buyout, with a 1g min bid. Bid them all at min bid. Chances are you’ll win a percentage of them at half of what you would normally pay! For gold farmers, if they can understand you (LOL), strike up a deal with them to COD the materials to you for a reduced cost. I have many farmers constantly working for me!

WTF is that??? troll the AH for items people auction, and browse thottbot and allakhazam theses tons of items that you can buy, do something with, and resell for a huge profit. I personally know of a few items that I can make 50 gold + profit on every time, and a buddy of mine has found another completely unrelated item that does about the same. What are they? Not telling!!! But do the research and you’ll find several little nuggets of moneymaking!
Hey hey! I got blah blah on the AH! I’m not condoning spamming like a fool, but a well crafted funny msg every 10 min or so about something SPECIAL you’ve put on the AH will really help sell your product! Do not do this for everyday junk like light leather and copper bars this is something you use for rare/epic items or things that are in HIGH demand. Be witty and funny and people wont be as annoyed by you. Hell, ask people in Malygos, I spam stuff and say pst the gnome in the wedding dress! cuz yeah I wear one and a Goblin Rocket Helmet and two Cookies Tenderizers and I’m a male gnome you got a problem with that?!

I think thats about all Ive got for version 2.0 well let this thing run 31 pages and break, just in time for version 3.0. Hopefully by that time I’ve learned new ways to make money for you guys!
Good luck and stay wealthy!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Part 3:World of Warcraft Guides - How To Make WoW Gold

Ok now that you have that for every item you can make, figure out the UNIT PRICE for each raw material. UNIT PRICE is how much it costs if you buy one Mithril Bar on the AH. Don’t look at the prices for just one Mithril Bar though look at how much a stack costs and divide by 20.
Got that? Great! Next step is to find out how much you can sell each item for. Do a search on the AH to see what the going prices areit might take you a few days to get an accurate number due to the Retard Factor of people putting up items for ridiculously low or high prices. If the items just don’t show up on the AH, determine if anyone would actually *buy* the item first, and if you think they would just take a guess of how much you could sell it for.

You know what the final step is right? I sure hope so. You know how much it costs to make the item, you know how much you can sell the item fordo some simple subtraction to see if you can make a PROFIT off of your items! You will be surprised how many items will make a profit. The obvious choices are items needed for quests, items that need to be purchased several times (such as armor kits, sharpening stones, scopes, potions, etc), and blue items.

The two top comments I get from this section are:

Gen, you really expect me to make a spreadsheet of all my crafted items, with materials, and costs of mats etc? that seems like a lot of work cant you just tell me which ones sell best?
Get out of my forum! If you cant do the legwork and put the effort into it go pick flowers and collect rocks.

Gen, why do I have to make a spreadsheet based on cost of mats in the AH? I can easily go farm my mats and make 100% profit!
Ah HA! This is the statement that is the death of crafters everywhere. I’m going to make the next statement in all caps not because I’m angry, but because I want it to stick out so much you cant help but read it and remember it:


Seems so simple yet time after time again people will say things like yeah of course you aren’t going to make money if you buy your mats on the AH you have to farm the materials. Well, if the materials are worth more than the finished product, why would you bother making it? Just sell the materials for a larger profit! The purpose of the spreadsheet is to help you identify what items you can make a profit on.

The next logical step is to realize that if you can buy the mats on the AH and still make a profit, why would you spend all that time farming materials? In the time it takes you to farm the mats to make one item, you could buy the mats to make 10 items.

You should be making more than enough money to pay for new skills, updated armor and weapons, repair costs, stupid trinkets (I love my Orb of Deception!) etc. But keep in mind you are working towards two things when you hit lvl 60:

1. Buying your epic mount, which is going to cost you 900 gold
2. Having nearly all of the schematics/plans/etc for your crafting profession, and being able to make a steady income off of it.
3. Having at least 100 gold (preferably more) saved to help you level up your 2nd crafting profession

Do not bother with Phase Three until you have the above three items complete. Patience is the key if you rush into this stuff you will have more expenses than you do income.
Phase Three Level 60 Farming is for suckers

Ok so you’re sitting pretty at level 60, congratulations! You’ve got your epic mount, you’ve completely owned your crafting profession, and you got your nest egg of gold. And your entire time spent in WoW now consists of you either in a high-end instance or sitting in Iron forge trying to get a raid group together. And that means you’re not running around gathering! Plus by now you’ve probably said to yourself Man, I don’t even need to farm mats anymore I can buy them off of the AH and still make a sweet profit! Welcome to Phase Three
Now Phase Three is 100% optional. Some of the gathering professions are useful in high-end instances.
With mining you can get Dark Iron Ore and Blood of the Mountain, which both sell well AND help you raise your reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood. With Skinning (plus an enchant and a finkles skinner) you can skin Corehounds in Molten Core and The Beast in UBRS. Both have their uses for sure. But this guide is about how I made moneyand since I HATE FARMING (farming is for suckers!) I dropped my gathering profession and picked up a 2nd crafting profession (in my case enchanting).

You level the 2nd crafting profession the same way you did the first, with the exception that you don’t have a gathering profession to assist you in the leveling process. So that means you’ll be buying your materials from the AH (yeah you could make alts or whatever I just don’t like making alts). The key is to level as cheaply as possible until you can get to the point where you can make a profit (or even break even) on the things you create as you level up. Again, same thing as the first crafting profession buy up all the patterns/plans/etc that look like you could make a profit with, make a spreadsheet, etc.

This will be a slower process than the first crafting profession, but you already have your epic mount, and you’re hopefully getting good weapons and armor from instance runsso theres really no rush anyway.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Part 2:World of Warcraft Guides - How To Make WoW Gold

A: It depends on several things. If you are already close to lvl 40, you might as well keep the crafting profession UNLESS its really low level (like less than 125 or something) then ya drop it like a bad habit. If you are relatively low level but have a mid-level crafting professions, I would still drop it and take up a second gathering profession. Youll end up making much more money by the time youre 40, which is the real goal of this guide.

Q: My materials arent selling! The market is flooded with them and I keep getting them returned in the mailbox!

A: Ya thats going to happen from time to time. Some days you can sell a stack of something for 1g, the next day the entire AH is flooded with stacks selling for 20s. Its what I call the Retard Factor. The best thing you is get a general idea of how much stuff is selling for at that time, price your materials a little bit less that that, and hope for the best. Dont throw your hands up in despair when someone undercuts youits gonna happen. Just take your unsold mats and put them back on the AH someone will buy them, trust me!

Phase Two Levels 40-59 Its fine learn 2 craft
Youve hit lvl 40, you have your mount (sure beats walking huh?), youve learned all your new skills, and youve decked yourself out in some fancy new duds. Now what?
Well, you *could* stick with your two gathering professions. They will still make you a lot of money, actually more money than in the first phase because youll know have access to higher level materials. If you dont feel like busting ass trying to make money with crafting professions, stick with gathering by all means. You could stop reading this guide right now and have enough money to make you happy.

Still reading? Okay good lets talk about your first crafting profession
Pick a crafting profession that sounds fun to you. Dont worry, its going to make you money (except maybe Alchemy Im sorry I *still* havent seen proof that you can make lots of money off of Alchemy). What your going to do is drop the gathering profession that doesnt complement your new crafting profession. For example, if you want to take engineering, drop skinning and keep your mining. The one profession I do not recommend you take at level 40 (besides Alchemy) is Enchanting.
Enchanting is a great profession but its not for the faint of heart, and its a #@%$! to level up. If you are dying to be an enchanter now, welcome to the poor house otherwise try to hold off until youre level 60 (well be discussing that in the next phase).

Now that youre level 40, it should be very easy to powerlevel your new profession to a certain point. Do everything possible to farm your own mats while leveling, it will save you a ton of money. This is important because you need your money for
SCHEMATICS, PLANS, FORMULAS, RECIPES, ETC!!! These are what separate you from all of the other people taking up crafting professions. I see twenty new threads every day asking how do you make money in leatherworking or whatever, and people usually reply you dont take herbalism its a goldmine. Im going to let you in on a little secret.

It takes hard work and a LOT of time and gold to make money in crafting!
You will NOT be rich from a crafting profession just by learning what the trainers provide! You have to spend gold on schematics/formulas/plans/etc to make the stuff that people really want to buy. Im not saying that every plan on the AH is going to be a moneymaker, but the ones that ARE moneymakers youre going to have to pony up the cash. Dont bother farming for them its a waste of effort just pay a reasonable amount for it on the AH.

Guess what? Youve just put yourself above probably 75% of the other crafters out there! Why? Because 75% of WoW players either dont have the gold to buy plans, or they refuse to spend money on them because people price gouge on the AH. Now instead of competing with 1000 engineers, you are competing with 250 of themand out of that 250 there will be quite a few that arent as aggressive in making money like you, you sly dog!

Its important to remember that crafting professions are a long term investment. Unlike gathering, you actually have to spend money for crafting professions to make money. On my server sniper scope schematics go for 100 gold. 100 gold is a ton of money, but as soon as you pay it off (you can make 2-3 gold profit off of each scope), youve got another weapon in your arsenal of moneymaking!

The questions I get asked all the damn time (people even create alts on Malygos to bug me during my Molten Core run lol) is what items sell for a profit, how much do you sell them for, etc. And the answer is find out for yourself. Make a spreadsheet or list of everything you know how to make. Then for each item list out how much RAW material it takes to make that item. What do I mean by raw material? Its the total amount of uncrafted items you need to eventually make the item. For instance:

Hi Impact Bombs x 8 = Mithril Bar x16 + Solid Stone x16 + Mageweave x4

Notice that Hi Impact Bombs really take Mithril Casings, Solid Blasting Powder, and Unstable Triggersbut the RAW material list is as stated aboveget it?

Part 1:World of Warcraft Guides - How To Make WoW Gold

This is another fantastic guide that I have found on the main WoW community forums. This one is basically a how-to guide on making tons of World of Warcraft gold. It will tell you what to do so you will always have enough money for that mount and anything else you may need gold for. Read on for the World of Warcraft gold guide.

Again, this is how I made my money. Ive been playing this game since the first week it came out and Ive never made an altthis guide is truly the path I took from lvl 1-60 (with a few modifications here and there as lessons learned from my mistakes!) Theres hundreds of ways to make money in this game. You be a gatherer the entire time, selling mats and make money. You could do nothing but manipulate the Auction House and make money. You could grind areas that are known to drop rares and epics and make money. Theres tons of ways, this is just my way. Enjoy!

Phase One Levels 1-40 Hunting and Gathering
So youre just starting World of Warcraft, youve picked your race and class (gnome rogues ftw!), and youre at the point where you get to pick two professions. You might say to yourself ouch I’m a rogue so Ill get leatherworking so I can make my own armor! or Im a warrior so Ill get blacksmithing so I can make my own weapons !OK just stop right there n00b! Let me tell you a little secret about all those cool crafting professions

***With the exception of a handful of items per crafted profession, you wont make money! And hey guess what, those few items that are profitable are pretty much unattainable at lower levels!***

I hate to rain on your parade so early on, but its better I tell you up front than watch you waste what little gold you earn trying to level up your crafting profession. The problem with crafting professions is that you fall into the trap that I like to call Skill Leveling Fever, where you will do whatever it takes to raise the skill of your profession. Some of you will say Ya Gen, but thats why you take a complimentary gathering profession so you can farm your own mats. This is true, but you will VERY quickly reach a point where the materials you require will be unattainable at your characters level. And what are you going to do, wait until you can farm them yourself? Hell no, I know you better than that! You’re gonna go run to the AH and start buying materials for the sole purpose of leveling your crafting profession. Welcome to the poorhouse!

So instead, pick two gathering professions. The cool thing about gathering professions is that you start making money right away walk up to a mineral vein or a plant or a dead animal and grab those mats! Its 100% profit! And since you are going to be spending a LOT of time running around doing quests and killing animal sit only makes sense to take advantage of gathering professions. Mining and Herbalist are the biggest moneymakers, but since they share the mini map, I usually will pick mining or herbalist and then pick up Skinning.

The one negative thing about gathering professions is youll find your bags fill up VERY quickly. Dont worry, the first thing youre gonna buy are 14 slot bags. These things cost like 2g50s on my server, which you’ll have after selling like 4 stacks of whatever you got. Buy 4 of these 14slot bags, you’ll need the space! At this point some people make alts that sit near the Auction House and they mail all their mats to the alt. This is a good idea for some to me it would drive me nuts having to mail stuff all the time

Also, items with grey text are vendor trash, meaning you sell them to a vendor. ALWAYS pick up the vendor trashat your level every little bit counts. If its WHITE text, that means its used in a profession somehow. Hold onto it and see what its worth on the Auction House. If you can sell it to the vendor for 25s but sell it on the AH for 50s you’ve just doubled your profit! Don’t laugh at 50s profit either do that 1000 times (which you will do this 1000s of times in this game) that’s 500g!

You should be making more than enough money to pay for new skills, updated armor and weapons, gryphon flights, stupid noncombat pets (hey I love em too!) etc. But keep in mind you are working towards two things when you hit lvl 40:

1. Buying your mount, which is going to cost you 90g2. Preparing for your first crafting profession, which will take money to level and buy schematics/patterns/recipes/etc.
You cannot enter Phase Two until you have purchased your mount and have like 100g in savings. Trust me on this one.


Q: Gen, you are a god among gnomes, and handsome to boot. But if you tell everyone to take up gathering, who will buy the materials were gathering?! If theres no money in crafting, nobody will buy our materials!

A: It actually makes a perfect circlelowbies gather the mats, while highbies buy the mats and make crafted items (well discuss highbie strategy in a bit). These highbies in turn sell their items (for a profit) to other highbies and lowbies who NOW have money to spend (because theyre not wasting all their money trying to level up crafting professions!) It works really well like this.

Q: Gen, you are kind, intelligent, and have abs you could wash clothes on. My character is lvl XX, and Im a lvl YY Crafting Profession and a lvl ZZ Gathering Profession. And Im BROKE! Should I drop my crafting profession and take up a second gathering profession?

Part 1:World of Warcraft Guides - How To Make WoW Gold

This is another fantastic guide that I have found on the main WoW community forums. This one is basically a how-to guide on making tons of World of Warcraft gold. It will tell you what to do so you will always have enough money for that mount and anything else you may need gold for. Read on for the World of Warcraft gold guide.

Again, this is how I made my money. Ive been playing this game since the first week it came out and Ive never made an altthis guide is truly the path I took from lvl 1-60 (with a few modifications here and there as lessons learned from my mistakes!) Theres hundreds of ways to make money in this game. You be a gatherer the entire time, selling mats and make money. You could do nothing but manipulate the Auction House and make money. You could grind areas that are known to drop rares and epics and make money. Theres tons of ways, this is just my way. Enjoy!

Phase One Levels 1-40 Hunting and Gathering
So youre just starting World of Warcraft, youve picked your race and class (gnome rogues ftw!), and youre at the point where you get to pick two professions. You might say to yourself ouch I’m a rogue so Ill get leatherworking so I can make my own armor! or Im a warrior so Ill get blacksmithing so I can make my own weapons !OK just stop right there n00b! Let me tell you a little secret about all those cool crafting professions

***With the exception of a handful of items per crafted profession, you wont make money! And hey guess what, those few items that are profitable are pretty much unattainable at lower levels!***

I hate to rain on your parade so early on, but its better I tell you up front than watch you waste what little gold you earn trying to level up your crafting profession. The problem with crafting professions is that you fall into the trap that I like to call Skill Leveling Fever, where you will do whatever it takes to raise the skill of your profession. Some of you will say Ya Gen, but thats why you take a complimentary gathering profession so you can farm your own mats. This is true, but you will VERY quickly reach a point where the materials you require will be unattainable at your characters level. And what are you going to do, wait until you can farm them yourself? Hell no, I know you better than that! You’re gonna go run to the AH and start buying materials for the sole purpose of leveling your crafting profession. Welcome to the poorhouse!

So instead, pick two gathering professions. The cool thing about gathering professions is that you start making money right away walk up to a mineral vein or a plant or a dead animal and grab those mats! Its 100% profit! And since you are going to be spending a LOT of time running around doing quests and killing animal sit only makes sense to take advantage of gathering professions. Mining and Herbalist are the biggest moneymakers, but since they share the mini map, I usually will pick mining or herbalist and then pick up Skinning.

The one negative thing about gathering professions is youll find your bags fill up VERY quickly. Dont worry, the first thing youre gonna buy are 14 slot bags. These things cost like 2g50s on my server, which you’ll have after selling like 4 stacks of whatever you got. Buy 4 of these 14slot bags, you’ll need the space! At this point some people make alts that sit near the Auction House and they mail all their mats to the alt. This is a good idea for some to me it would drive me nuts having to mail stuff all the time

Also, items with grey text are vendor trash, meaning you sell them to a vendor. ALWAYS pick up the vendor trashat your level every little bit counts. If its WHITE text, that means its used in a profession somehow. Hold onto it and see what its worth on the Auction House. If you can sell it to the vendor for 25s but sell it on the AH for 50s you’ve just doubled your profit! Don’t laugh at 50s profit either do that 1000 times (which you will do this 1000s of times in this game) that’s 500g!

You should be making more than enough money to pay for new skills, updated armor and weapons, gryphon flights, stupid noncombat pets (hey I love em too!) etc. But keep in mind you are working towards two things when you hit lvl 40:

1. Buying your mount, which is going to cost you 90g2. Preparing for your first crafting profession, which will take money to level and buy schematics/patterns/recipes/etc.
You cannot enter Phase Two until you have purchased your mount and have like 100g in savings. Trust me on this one.


Q: Gen, you are a god among gnomes, and handsome to boot. But if you tell everyone to take up gathering, who will buy the materials were gathering?! If theres no money in crafting, nobody will buy our materials!

A: It actually makes a perfect circlelowbies gather the mats, while highbies buy the mats and make crafted items (well discuss highbie strategy in a bit). These highbies in turn sell their items (for a profit) to other highbies and lowbies who NOW have money to spend (because theyre not wasting all their money trying to level up crafting professions!) It works really well like this.

Q: Gen, you are kind, intelligent, and have abs you could wash clothes on. My character is lvl XX, and Im a lvl YY Crafting Profession and a lvl ZZ Gathering Profession. And Im BROKE! Should I drop my crafting profession and take up a second gathering profession?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This strategy to make gold has yet to be used to its full potential. Some people do take advantage of this but not enough so you can still make a lot of gold using this technique. The only question people have about this is....where do I find the limited supply items at? Don't worry I do go through that in other guides on the site.

First and foremost, what is a limited supply item?

A limited supply item is an item for sale from a vendor but the vendor only has a very limited supply of items for sale. You can know this by the item having a number in the bottom right corner of the picture. These items do respawn...while some take 30 minutes to respawn others take up to 24-48 hrs!
The limited supply items you want to look for to make a lot of gold are usually recipes. I found those to be the most profitable. Typically you can buy a recipe for around 20s and sell it on the auction house for 1-2 gold or more in some cases. I have purchased a recipe before at 25 silver and sold it for 10 gold.

Why on earth would anyone pay 10 gold for something they could buy for 25 silver?
That's easy! People are lazy! They don't want to take the time to go to a specific vendor so they can get the item really cheap. All you really have to do is go to these vendors and buy the items and then place them on the auction house! How Simple!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Part 2:World of Warcraft Guide: How To Level Fishing and Cooking To 300

Level 50-125 (yes, there is some overlap here) fish in the zone following your race’s transition zone. Horde go to Ratchet or the Silverpine coast, Alliance, fish Loch Moden, Darkshore or the Westfall coast. Make sure you buy the recipe for either Longjaw Mud Snapper or Rainbow fin Albacore, these are the lvl50 cooking recipes necessary for further skill-ups. Again, the recipes are always available in or near the town closest to the waters in which you can catch the fish. At some time, you will start to catch Bristle Whisker Catfish, which requires cooking lvl 100. If you are not to the right level yet, save the fish until your cooking catches up by cooking the Albacore/Mudsnappers you are also catching. This is the last time your fishing will be ahead of your cooking.

Further, in the second zones mentioned, you will start to catch Oily Blackmouth and Firefin Snapper, fish you can’t cook, but which are “money fish” meaning that you can sell them on AH for sometimes big profit. At one time, Oily’s were bringing 15s. each in IF. When I was learning the economy, way back when I was a n00b, I made my first (smallish) fortune just selling Oily Blackmouth and Firefin Snapper which I had caught using a fish-bot, which I have since abandoned.

Also, for you adventurous Allies, the Money fish of all money fish, Deviates can be caught at this level. If you wanna venture into The Barrens for fishing, go for it. My PvE server often has hated Alliance fishermen in the sacred Horde treasure fishing holes. Sometime, I have taken my NE hunter into Wailing Caverns just for the fishing. Inside the instance, Deviates drop twice as often as outside, however, there are no schools like you find in Lushwater Oasis.
One word parenthetically here. Darnassus, Stormwind, Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar all have waters you can fish. These waters drop a few Smallfish, lots of Longjaws and some Bristle Whiskers. The spread on the fish levels is too great to rely on the city fishing to get too far cooking, but if you are in town with some time on your hands, you can always drop a line for some skill ups.

Level 100-175
Take your pick of zones. The rule of thumb I use is that the third fishing zone will give you the fish which you can eat when cooked which are appropriate for lvl 25-35 characters. Your cooking will be the BristleWhiskers and Tangy clam meat from the Small clams from the sea in the 20-something zones. Also, at this level, you should consider fishing the river in Hillsbrad Foothills., Decrepit Ferry in Silverpine, Mirkfallon Lake in Stonetalon Mts and Mystral Lake in Ashenvale for Sage Fish. You can cook these at skill lvl 80, from recipes sold by every cooking supply vendor and will get health and mana from eating them, plus a super buff for mana users of 3 mana per second for 15 minutes. The sagefish are only caught from the swirls which denote schools of fish. After catching 4-5 fish, the school dissipates and you have to move on the the next. This activity breaks up the monotony of fishing and provides you with a mess of food which your mana users will cherish.

Level 150-225
Any where you like, my dear, except Tanaris, Feralas and Azshara. You will be catching Mithril Head Trout and Rock scale Cod, which require a cooking skill level of 175, but which come in abundance now because you are catching 5-6 fish per skill point and don’t need to worry about having enough. Recipes are found here and there, keep an eye peeled whenever you are near a vendor along the seacoast. Also, at this level, you will want to be fishing the Lake in Strangle thorn and the south shore of Lake Loerderon for Greater Sage fish. Same benefits as the regular ones, but more of it and it takes a cooking level of 175 and the recipe is from the same vendor which sold you the junior Sage fish recipe. If you fish the coasts in zones from Dust wallow and Strangle thorn and higher, you will also be catching Spotted Yellowtail, which are the money fish after your master quest. You need skill level 225 to begin cooking them and you will get scallops all the way to 300 from them.

Quest time:

Look it up. The fishing quest takes you all over the world and is time consuming because of the travel. The cooking quest is a gemmed after you get the Large Eggs. The Clams you need for it will be falling among the fish you are catching.
Level 225+ Time for payback! Over half the fish you catch on your way to 300 will be caught after you become a Master Fisherperson. Your skill is high enough, with bait, to catch the granddaddy of money fish, the Stone scale Eel. It is only available in Tanaris, Feralas and Azshara. The drop rates average 10-15% and the rest of the time you will be catching mostly Yellowtail; Big Clams (10-15%), with their chance for Black, Lustrous or Golden Pearl drops; and some other fish thrown in. The cooking recipe for Yellowtail, btw, is from the goblin vendor in Steam wheedle Port, Tanaris. Also, I have found a small market for cooked Yellowtail. It gives 1335 health points on eating and sometimes fetches 40-50s. per stack on AH. The fish vendors charge 80s. for a stack and some players appreciate the discount, which is all profit to you, albeit not a big one because folks just do not go to AH to buy food. The only better food is the Lobster Stew which gives 2148 health, but the lobster is only caught off the shores of Azshara with a minimum fishing skill of 400! (your mixed out 300 plus Aquadyamic Fish Attractors).
I have left out some of the more exotic fish. Poached Sun scale Salmon, for example, restores 6 healths every 5 seconds for 10 min. You search what you want to cook. Go to Thottbot and knock yourself out.

Summary, fishing is not that difficult. If you are willing to spend almost 2 calendar days staring at the water, you can be the boss! Where does this lead? Why to the Essence of Water, of course. This wonderful commodity fetches 5-8g. Each and is most reliably available in the Azshara waters at skill levels ABOVE 400. Once you are mixed out fishing, your return will be awesome. After the swirls are fished out, you will be catching Stone scale eel, and thick shelled clam, all of which have dollar signs swirling around them.

And since you are fishing, the Cooking should be an automatic!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Part 1:World of Warcraft Guide: How To Level Fishing and Cooking To 300

World of Warcraft Guide - Level Your Fishing and Cooking To level 300 in 20 hours

If you are like me you have neglected the possibility of leveling up your fishing and cooking skills to level 300. I have recently followed this guide and it has helped me out greatly! I leveled up my fishing and cooking to level 300 together in under 20 hours time. Fishing and cooking are great money makers IF they are totally maxed out at 300. You need to take these seriously if you really want to have MASSIVE amounts of gold available to you, or you could just go HERE if you don't have the time available to get the gold yourself. Ultimately, the choice is yours!
For fishing, there is no concern over which zone you are working. As long as you can fish that zone, you get the same skill points for catching whatever drops as you can just going for the Small Brilliant Small fish of the newbie zone. The fact is you could get to fishing skill level 225 without leaving the n00b zone.
Cooking is a different matter. It is like all the other skills besides fishing, once you do so many of the little stuff, it turns gray to you and you no longer get skill-ups from cooking it.
Thus, while you could stay in the n00b zone to catch the 700+ fish to get your fishing skill to 225, you would not be able to follow it with cooking skill ups after level 120, which is where Long jaw Mud Snapper (the highest fish you can catch in the beginning zones) turns gray for you.

Now before I go any further, please understand that while it sounds like a fishing class, the cooking is, for me, a necessary adjunct! If you are going to fish, you are leaving serious money on the table by not cooking them up!
Each of the races has a local starting fish-pond (or sea, as the case may be).Undead: It is the lake east of Brill. Taurens: The lake just north of Blood hoof Village. Orcs, Trolls: The sea just south of Sen’jin Village. Humans: Start fishing near Gold shire. Dwarves, Gnomes: North of Brown all Village in western Dun Morogh Night Elves: Can choose the lake south of Dolenaar, the waters in and around Darnassus, or the sea near the boat dock in Rut’Theran Village.
Not surprisingly, each of these starting zones has a fishing trainer right there, directly beside the water in which you are going to fish. There are other fishing trainers scattered here and there, the most curious to me is the Goblin in Iron Forge, standing beside water which cannot be fished. However, since you must start in water’s you can fish, use the start zones as discussed above.
If you are starting late in life, so to speak, it doesn’t really matter where you start fishing. You could even go to the fishing n00b zones for the other faction if you were minded to piss people off just out of principle. Alternatively, you could grow your fishing with your character by spreading the 20 hours across many levels. In fact, there is a strategy in the Guide that suggests that mixings your fishing at 150 for level 10 would make you an UBER fighter using just your fishing pole as a weapon.
Now, there is a formula for how many fish you need to catch in order to get one skill point. It is N = 1 + (SkillLevel-75)/25. Roughly, 1 skill point per fish up to level 75 then adding another fish every 25 fish. The formula is approximate, there is an element of random distribution around the calculated number, but it means that you can expect to catch between 1300 and 1500 fish to reach skill level 300.
OK, how am I going to catch 1,500 fish in 20 hours? That is like 75 per hour! Actually, it is more like 100 per hour with an hour for moving from zone to zone, another 3 hours for doing the master fishing/cooking quests and an hour for cooking it all up. 100 fish per hour is very realistic, if you are in waters at or below your level and you use the right bait!
The only thing you have to remember is to use a lure! If you can fish a zone without a lure, you will start by getting a lot of “Your fish got away”. That ruins the 100/hour rate. Try the zone without a lure, if you can cast, then add night crawlers or better and you will loose very few fish.
Further, since you are leveling your cooking at the same time, when your bags are full of fish, cook up the most common fish until you get no more skill ups from it. You might, at this time, try mailing off full stacks of cooked fish to your AH mule to see if you can create a market for it.
Here is the program:
Level 1-75: fish the shit outta the n00b zone. You can do the whole thing in less than an hour. Just make sure you start by adding Shiny Baubles to your pole every 10 minutes for the first 30 minutes. Now, every n00b zone fishing trainer has a fishing supplies vendor or a Trade goods vendor very nearby who sells cooking recipes. You get the recipe for Brilliant Smallfish or Slitherskin Mackerel. Cooking just the fish you catch will get your cooking skill above 50, which is a necessity before moving on the the next zone.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

World of Warcraft Enchanting Tidbits

I, personally, do not do any enchanting at all. I will start after reading thru these tidbits here as this guide gives just enough information to get started and be on the right path to making a lot of World of Warcraft gold with enchanting!

Enchanting should always be on your alt not your main guy. --Why? Well your main guy will be your beginning gateway to green items and your main source of income till you get higher in levels/skills
Invest in bank space and big bags.--Enchants requires a lot of reagents, so space is a must.
Every item you get should be sent to your alt for disenchanting. -- if selling items is how you make your money like me, then send items that will disenchant for useful reagents for higher grade enchants.
Advertise in your capital town that you can enchant-- WTS enchants: +7 Stamina to Bracers, Enchanting items /tell for what you want .. stuff like that...
Let them know that you’ll enchant again if they need and to have them add you to their friends list. --Build a clientele. Again you're enchanting to make money. So the more people you have wanting enchants the faster you'll make money.

Farm instance often --Since you need an ample supply of reagents you will need a lot of items to disenchant, so farming instances is a must.
Things you can do during the lower levels of enchanting. --Enchant the grey items you pick up along the way. If you don’t need the reagents, enchant then sell the item to a vendor and make some money for it. --If you don’t need reagents don’t destroy them! offer FREE enchanting to lower level players. This will help build clientele.
Tell them what you want for the enchant. This is your enchanting fee / tip.--Enchanting isn’t a big market so YOU'RE the going rate. Tell them what you want for the enchant, but don’t say an outrageous price. Bear in mind of how much the reagents cost, how important it is for you to skill up, and the potential of a returning customer.--Negotiating is for suckers. This can work both ways. If you think you can hassle someone out of gold then by all means try. But if you lose him or he gets over on you, your lost. Sticking to a firm but fair price will guarantee you money.
This is where people get confused on how to enchant. So Ill break it down both ways and you can decide on what works better.
I. Make people get you the reagents for the enchants!--No point in you wasting your reagents that YOU can use for yourself or guild mates. This will also help you in the future to clear out the AH of reagents for later on... see below..--AH doesn’t have the reagent and you do? --->Then add that to your price. Since they cant what the going rate is, you can have a little fun with this and mark it up a bit. Whatever the highest cost for the other reagents needed for the enchant should be your starting point in marking up the missing reagent. Again don’t go to high, but high enough to keep the person still wanting the enchant.--AH doesn’t have enough of the reagent and you have it. --->Again add it to the cost but give it a small mark up.
II. You supply the reagents for the enchants--You have most of the reagents but are short on another. --->Have them pick it up at the AH. You, for the most part shouldn't be spending money on reagents that you can disenchant things for. --What if want to negotiate?--->Your supplying the reagents you can remind them of that, but be firm let them know that you wont negotiate the price. But keep in mind losing 5g isn't the end of the world so use your best judgment--They think 80g is to high for the enchant.--->Tell them what the price of the regents are and let them know you added an enchanting fee/tip. Or tell them to look up the price in the AH. Remind them that you are supplying the regents so unless they want to buy them that’s your price.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Part 2: Top Grinding Spots A That A Lot of People Think Is A Waste

Toxic Horrors 53-54 Essence of Water, sell at AH 7-11g/each
20+ with a lot of competition
100+ with less competitions (early mornings)
Red whelps; vendor trash, skinning, possible red whelp pet (~40g)
All grinding spots
Alterac Valley:
- Mine capture; If you take the mine, tag all the mobs when the ally or horde npc come
walking in to kill them.
-Grind harpies; cash 50gp/hr
Alterac Mountains:
- lvl30-40, Yetis and Ogres
Arathi Highlands:
- late lvl30s ogres; cloths, drops, xp & vendor trash, mining nodes
- Stromgarde Keep, 38-44 elite ogres; potions, Mageweave cloth, cash
gp/hp: 20g+
- lvl 35-39 ogres
- circle of west binding, lvl 32+ burning exiles; elemental fire, sell on AH
- circle of inner binding, rock elementals

Part 1:Top Grinding Spots A That A Lot of People Think Is A Waste

This is the collection of money grinding spots Borsha collected from the Ultimate Grind spots thread on the wow forums. I added the top grinding spots where you can make 40+ gold/hour. Many of the grinding spots can be farmed by other classes than hunters, but at the heavy competition spots, hunters are helped by their tracking ability, range and speed.
Top Grinding spots (40+ gold/hour)
Legashi rogues/firecallers; Runecloth, Felcloth, cash, schematics
80-100+ if you have mooncloth production
40-50 is you don´t have mooncloth production

Burning Steppes
Northeast, Elite black dragons; Cash, skinning
340 tops if you have amazing drops and skins
40 avereage
Burning steppes
Passage South to cave area, mobs, skinning, cash and vendor trash.
Easters Plaguelands
Bats; Vendor trash
50 on a good day

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Great Gold For Level 48+

This is something I heard, have not yet tested. They are supposed to drop good loot, and whenever they drop say a slimy bone or skull, they are substituting uncommon and better. Level 50+

Jaedenar Cultists etc: In the Jaedenar Fortress or whatever with the cultists and such, there are mini bosses, lvl 60 I believe. One at the end of this has a REAL good drop rate on Stockade Pauldrens, an epic plate shoulder piece. He also drops many rares and uncommons, and the mobs on the way do too. I recommend level 56+ for this because they are crammed together, and level 60 for warriors because they can be hard.

Marauden: Once again I have not confirmed, but it is a farmer favorite. Do this quick before its nerfed. Apparently, in Marauden (green side?) There is a chest usually. Loot it, and get a blue. Either be a rogue or a level 60 to do this

Try’s Hand: Silver. Drops. Always people here.

ABOMINATIONS IN EPL: OMFG if you farm these you are farming perhaps the most valuable item in WoW that is BOE. The Hand of Edward the Odd drops off these guys, and depending on server, you can usually get 2-3kg off one... but with all epics, very low drop rate.

Razorfen Kraul: Yes I said it. Go to the first boss on the right (the one that drops Corpse maker) and kill him and his 2 comrades. They will usually drop Bops weapons (spears) and armor/weapon off boss. Weapons sell for 50silver-1g, and can be done once every 3-4 minutes. Easy to go in and out and 60, and just ripsaws, rinse and repeat.

Devilsaurs in Un'goro: Only recommended for level 60 rogues/druids and some uber shaman. Skinning is needed for this. Devisors are usually lvl 53-54 elites that wonder Un'goro (hard to miss, huge tyrannosaurus). 100% drop rate on Devisors leather, which is needed desperately by rogues for devisors leather armor. Usually 5g per skin.

Scarlet Monastery: For you AOE'ers this place can make you some quick PHAT coin. Go in the left instance (graveyard), the open instance, not behind the door. You can skip all the elites in the first room and head up the stairs to the graveyard. Here you'll find anywhere from about 30-60 undead ghosts in their low 30's. EACH of them will drop between 1-10silver (usually around 6s). A mage can go in kill them all and reset the instance in 15 min, and come out with about 3-4g plus 5-12 level 30 green items that sell to vendors for 20-50s or the AH for 1g each all day long. I farmed for my epic mount this way and was making about 20-30g per hour, occasionally getting some nice blues like 'The Butcher' which sells for ~20-30g. Just be sure to empty your bags before you go to get the most out of it. I put every green item up on the ah for 8hrs at 1g buyout and almost all of them sold. (this was over many days as well)

Scarlet Spellbinders in WPL: These are great. In the north/northeastern part of WPL, follow the little path into mountains, you will see tons of other scar lets, kill them for a decent chance on epics, but just keep following path till u see a tower on your right, that’s where they are. They drop Crusader Enchantment. Got 2 so far in last 2 days.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Make Money With Mounts

This is not an exploit but definitely a very useful trick.
Ok, to do this -- you must be honored with Darnassus as a Night Elf or Exalted to Darnassus with any other race. You can also do this for your home town or where you're exalted. You'll also need to be PvP Rank 3 or higher.

1) Go to Darnassus , stand by the saber handler and show off your Tiger or

2) Talk in trade and ask for level 40's or above who need their mount and are short some on the 90g

2) Talk to any level 40 you see talking to the saber handler or who PM's you -- PM them and ask them what their current reputation is with Darnassus. Honored will give them a mount for 72g and friendly will cost them 90g.

3) Let them know that you can give it to them for (Your price here) -- as long it is cheaper than what they have to pay , they will most likely buy it ! Remember, it only costs you 64g because you get 10% off for being honored+ and 10% off for being Rank 3 in PVP which also makes Epic mounts 800g instead of 900g!

4) Buy the mount and trade it back with them.

5) You just made some nice easy gold !

This works the best with Night Elves because a lot of people on my server play Night Elves. Remember , when you're PvP rank 3 and above and have honored status -- you can get the mount for only 64g (20% discount). I've done this once so far and it does work. Most people will trust you -- you're helping both you and the level 40. You have to be really patient to do this. You won't run into level 40s all the time but if you help one level 40 buy his/her mount, you can tell them to let all their friends know about your cheaper mount deals ! This will also work for level 60's who want their epic, it saves them up to 100g. When I got my epic mount I lost rank 3 at the time and had to give someone 10g to travel to Darnassus and get it for me, saved me 90g though.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Make Money Money With Fishing

This probably isn't the most easiest strategy to start, but I did notice that once I started it, I made quite a lot of gold. Basically, what you'll be doing is, selling savory deviate delights, which sell for 50s on most servers. Ok, since this takes steps, I'm going to provide them now

1. You must have a cooking skill of 85, and a fishing skill of 30 (? you'll be fishing in the walling caverns, I don't think it needs to be very high, people on thottbot said it has to be 30)

2. Once you have those two down, you'll need the recipe called Savory Deviate Delight. You can get it by grinding various mobs in The Barrens, or, you can do what I did, and buy it in the AH for about 30-40g. Here is the link

3. Now you're ready, head over to the barrens, and go to the walling caverns, an instance in the barrens (levels 18-21 I think). If you're alliance than make sure you're higher level so the noobs there won't try to attack you.

4. Start fishing inside the walling caverns with your selected fishing macro, or just fish, and don't use a macro at all. It really doesn't matter where you fish, it doesn't have to be directly inside of the instance portal, but I did find that I got a little more Deviate Fish (the fish you are looking for) inside the instance of walling caverns. *The Deviate Fish don't ALWAYS drop, but it seems to be about a 50/50 chance of getting them*

5. Make as many Savory Deviate Delights as you can, and you can sell them for 50 silver a piece in the Auction House.
Suggestion: You might want to be over level 40 to try this out, because you're going to pull a lot of agro while in the walling caverns if you're lower, and you'll have a harder time fighting off those elites.

The Delights can make you transform into a pirate, or an assassin and in my server, I noticed that a lot of level 60s like to buy these out and entertain lower levels in Iron Forge. I know this is a lot of work to get it started, but I feel it's well worth it in the end, feel free to post problems and questions you may have. If this is a re-post of some sort.

Make Money Money With Fishing

This probably isn't the most easiest strategy to start, but I did notice that once I started it, I made quite a lot of gold. Basically, what you'll be doing is, selling savory deviate delights, which sell for 50s on most servers. Ok, since this takes steps, I'm going to provide them now

1. You must have a cooking skill of 85, and a fishing skill of 30 (? you'll be fishing in the walling caverns, I don't think it needs to be very high, people on thottbot said it has to be 30)

2. Once you have those two down, you'll need the recipe called Savory Deviate Delight. You can get it by grinding various mobs in The Barrens, or, you can do what I did, and buy it in the AH for about 30-40g. Here is the link

3. Now you're ready, head over to the barrens, and go to the walling caverns, an instance in the barrens (levels 18-21 I think). If you're alliance than make sure you're higher level so the noobs there won't try to attack you.

4. Start fishing inside the walling caverns with your selected fishing macro, or just fish, and don't use a macro at all. It really doesn't matter where you fish, it doesn't have to be directly inside of the instance portal, but I did find that I got a little more Deviate Fish (the fish you are looking for) inside the instance of walling caverns. *The Deviate Fish don't ALWAYS drop, but it seems to be about a 50/50 chance of getting them*

5. Make as many Savory Deviate Delights as you can, and you can sell them for 50 silver a piece in the Auction House.
Suggestion: You might want to be over level 40 to try this out, because you're going to pull a lot of agro while in the walling caverns if you're lower, and you'll have a harder time fighting off those elites.

The Delights can make you transform into a pirate, or an assassin and in my server, I noticed that a lot of level 60s like to buy these out and entertain lower levels in Iron Forge. I know this is a lot of work to get it started, but I feel it's well worth it in the end, feel free to post problems and questions you may have. If this is a re-post of some sort.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Using The Auction House To Create Cheap Gold

There are multiple ways to create "cheap" gold at the auction house but due to time i'm only going to share one way in this guide. Keep in mind that I will be adding more guides later and more auction house guides also. I call it "cheap" gold because you do not have to spend real money to get this gold! I guess I should call it FREE gold instead.

Buy low, sell high! You always hear that but how do you use that to your advantage? That's what this world of warcraft gold guide is all about.

First thing you MUST do is download/install the auctioneer add-on. This add-on will save you tons of time in the future as it will help you find items that are selling way below actual prices. This is by far the best add-on I have ever seen. (Probably because I spend 90% of the time in game at the auction house!)

Once you have auctioneer installed you will want to just scan the auction house a lot for about a week to get accurate values on items. By a lot I mean no more than 3 times a day. Try to do morning, afternoon, and then again in the evening. What's that you say? You have to work? Well, you do not want to scan less than once per day. I find myself only scanning 2 times a day because I don't have a whole lot of free time anymore to play.
Now that you have at least a week worth of data you can start finding things to buy for pennies while you sell them for gold!

There is a function in auctioneer that will tell you what items are selling for way cheap and you can even specify for it to show items that will make you 5-10 gold if you want. Probably one of the BEST features of the auctioneer addon! Once you do that you will also want to do a manual search on the auction house to double check prices and make sure that the price wasn't dropped because of that item being flooded on the auction house.

You will also want to check to make sure how many times the item has been listed on the auction house since you started scanning, just to make sure someone originally didn't jack up the price when it shouldn't have been. On a side note, this will not be the case too much after you have scanned the auction house everyday for a month or so.

Now that you found an item and bought it you are going to realist it! There are some simple rules to follow when listing items on the auction house. First, you ALWAYS want to list items for 24 hours any less time and you are wasting money. Second, ALWAYS set a buy out price on items. Think of it this way, when you found an item you want for your character on the auction house and the item doesn't have a buy out price, what do you do? If you are like 99% of the players online you want it NOW! If you can't have it now you look somewhere else. Am I right? Third, ALWAYS set your buy out price just a little lower than the competition. We want to sell the item as soon as possible and we don't want to have to realist it unless it is a very high ticket item.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

PART 2 Limited Supply Items - Alchemy Vendors

Major Healing Potion
Argent Quartermaster Hasana - Tirisfal Glades 36 Silver Limited Supply (4)
Argent Quartermaster Lightspark - Alterac Mountains 36 Silver Limited Supply (4)
Argent Quartermaster Lightspark - Western Plaguelands 36 Silver Limited Supply (4) Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock - Eastern Plaguelands 36 Silver Limited Supply (2)
Evie Whirlbrew - Winterspring 1 Gold 50 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Evie Whirlbrew - Badlands 1 Gold 50 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Major Mana Potion
Argent Quartermaster Hasana - Tirisfal Glades 36 Silver Limited Supply (4)
Argent Quartermaster Lightspark - Alterac Mountains 36 Silver Limited Supply (2) Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock - Eastern Plaguelands 36 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Nature Protection Potion
Alchemist Pestlezugg - Hills brad Foothills 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Alchemist Pestlezugg - Tanaris 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Alchemist Pestlezugg - Swamp of Sorrows 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Alchemist Pestlezugg - Tanaris 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Bronk - Feralas 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Bronk - Stonetalon Mountains 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Glyx Brewright - Stranglethorn Vale 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Logannas - Feralas 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Shadow Oil
Bliztik - Duskwood 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Montarr - Thousand Needles 13 Silver 50 Copper Limited Supply (1)
Montarr - Blasted Lands 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Superior Healing Potion
Bronk - Stonetalon Mountains 10 Silver Limited Supply (2)
Bronk - Feralas 9 Silver Limited Supply (4)
Evie Whirlbrew - Winterspring 10 Silver Limited Supply (4)
Evie Whirlbrew - Badlands 10 Silver Limited Supply (2)
Logannas - Feralas 10 Silver Limited Supply (4)
Logannas - Stonetalon Mountains 9 Silver Limited Supply (2)
Nina Lightbrew - Blasted Lands 9 Silver Limited Supply (2)
Rartar - Swamp of Sorrows 10 Silver Limited Supply (2)
Ruw - Feralas 9 Silver Limited Supply (3)
Thultazor - Swamp of Sorrows 9 Silver Limited Supply (2)

Superior Mana Potion
Ulthir - Darkshore 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Ulthir - Dustwallow Marsh 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Transmute Mithril To True Silver
Alchemist Pestlezugg - Tanaris 80 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Alchemist Pestlezugg - Swamp of Sorrows 80 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Just a reminder that all of these limited supply items listed above are recipes. If you were to search the auction house for these remember to put Recipe: in front of it. (Example: Recipe: Transmute Mistrial To True silver) That is all I have for the alchemy limited supply vendors. If you have more or you see an error in this list please let me know so I can update this guide.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

PART 1 Limited Supply Items - Alchemy Vendors

You will find the alchemy vendors that sell limited supply recipes here in this wow guide. It is organized by the recipe and they are all in alphabetical order to make it easier to go through.

Elixir of Demon slaying
Nina Lightbrew - Blasted Lands 90 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Rartar - Swamp of Sorrows 90 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Elixir of Shadow Power
Maria Lumere - Storm wind City 90 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Elixir of Superior Defense
Kor'geld - Orgrimmar 1 Gold 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Kor'geld - Strangle thorn Vale 1 Gold 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Soolie Berryfizz - Iron forge 1 Gold 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Vosur Brakthel - Iron forge 1 Gold 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Fire Protection Potion
Apprentice Honeywell - Hills brad Foothills 13 Silver 50 Copper Limited Supply (1)
Jeeda - Stonetalon Mountains 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Nandar Branson - Hills brad Foothills 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Free Action Potion
Kor'geld - Orgrimmar 18 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Kor'geld - Strangle thorn Vale 18 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Soolie Berryfizz - Iron forge 18 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Tally Berryfizz - Iron forge 16 Silver 20 Copper Limited Supply (1)
Ulthir - Dust wallow Marsh 18 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Vosur Brakthel - Iron forge 18 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Frost Oil
Bro'kin - Alterac Mountains 25 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Bro'kin - Hills brad Foothills 25 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Frost Protection Potion
Drovnar Strongbrew - Arathi Highlands 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Glyx Brewright - Stranglethorn Vale 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Hammon Karwn - Arathi Highlands 18 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Skuerto - Arathi Highlands 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Great Rage Potion
Hagrus - Orgrimmar 20 Silver Limited Supply (2) Ulthir -
Dark shore 20 Silver Limited Supply (2)
Ulthir - Dust wallow Marsh 20 Silver Limited Supply (2)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Limited Supply Items - Blacksmith Vendors

Below you will find the blacksmith vendors that sell limited supply plans. It is organized by the plan to make it easier to go through.

Golden Scale Coif
Krinkle Goodsteel - Tanaris 44 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Trenton Lighthammer - Tanaris 44 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Hardened Iron Shortsword
Hank the Hammer - Stormwind City 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Jutak - Stranglethorn Vale 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Kaita Deepforge - Stormwind City 27 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Sumi - Orgrimmar 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Sumi - Stranglethorn Vale 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Massive Iron Axe
Hemet Nesingwary - Stranglethorn Vale 44 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Vharr - Stranglethorn Vale 39 Silver 60 Copper Limited Supply (1)

Mithril Scale Bracers
Gharash - Swamp of Sorrows 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Gharash - Badlands 54 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Harggan - The Hinterlands 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Moonsteel Broadsword
Zarena Cromwind - Strangle thorn Vale 44 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Solid Iron MaulApprentice Kryten - Arathi Highlands 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Jannos Ironwill - Arathi Highlands 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Jazzrik - Badlands 30 Silver Limited Supply (1) Muuran - Desolates 30 Silver Limited Supply (1) Ridge Huntress - Badlands 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Rigglefuzz - Badlands 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Just a reminder that all of these limited supply items listed above are plans. If you were to search the auction house for these remember to put Plans: in front of it. That is all I have for the blacksmith limited supply vendors. If you have more or you see an error in this list please let me know so I can update this guide.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

PART 2 Limited Supply Items - Tailoring Vendors

Flarecore Mantle
Lokhtos Dark bargainer - Blackrock Depths 18 Gold Limited Supply (1)

Icy Cloak
Ghok'kah - Dust wallow Marsh 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Micha Yance - Hills brad Foothills 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Lavender Mageweave Shirt
Borya - Orgrimmar 40 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Outfitter Eric - Iron forge 40 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Tor'phan - Orgrimmar 40 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Mooncloth Robe
Shen'dralar Provisioner - Dire Maul 4 Gold Limited Supply (1)

Runecloth Bag
Qia - Winter spring 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Qia - Badlands 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Runecloth Boots
Darnall - Moon glade 2 Gold Limited Supply (1)

Runecloth Cloak
Darnall - Moon glade 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Darnall - Red ridge Mountains 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Runecloth Gloves
Qia - Winter spring 1 Gold 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Qia - Badlands 1 Gold 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Runecloth Robe
Darnall - Moon glade 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Tuxedo Jacket
Outfitter Eric - Iron forge 50 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Tuxedo Pants
Outfitter Eric - Iron forge 45 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Tuxedo Shirt
Outfitter Eric - Iron forge 45 Silver Limited Supply (1)

White Wedding Dress
Alexandra Bolero - Storm wind City 90 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Mahu - Mulgore 1 Gold Limited Supply (1)

PART 1 Limited Supply Items - Tailoring Vendors (make gold)

You will find the tailoring vendors that sell limited supply patterns in this World of Warcraft guide. It is organized by the pattern and is in alphabetical order to make your life easier when trying to sort through it.

Admiral's Hat
Blood sail Swashbuckler - Strangle thorn Vale 70 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Cowardly Crosby - Strangle thorn Vale 70 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Azure Silk Cloak
Brienna Starglow - Feralas 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Jun'ha - Arathi Highlands 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Black Swashbuckler's Shirt
Cockatiel - Strangle thorn Vale 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Kelsey Yance - Stranglethorn Vale 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Narkk - Stranglethorn Vale 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Crimson Silk Cloak
Super-Seller 680 - Desolate 12 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Xizk Good stitch - Strangle thorn Vale 12 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Crimson Silk Robe
Vizzklick - Tanaris 50 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Vizzklick - Hills brad Foothills 50 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Dark Silk Shirt
Jason Lemieux - Hillsbrad Foothills 11 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Mallen Swain - Hillsbrad Foothills 11 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Sheri Zipstitch - Dusk wood 9 Silver 90 Copper Limited Supply (1)
Super-Seller 680 - Displace 11 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Tarren Mill Death guard - Hills brad Foothills 9 Silver 90 Copper Limited Supply (1)

Enchanter's Cowl
Super-Seller 680 - Desolace 10 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Xizk Good stitch - Strangle thorn Vale 10 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Footcloth Pants
Lorelei Winter song - Moon glade 1 Gold 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)

Flare core Gloves
Lokhtos Dark bargainer - Black rock Depths 8 Gold 52 Silver 50 Copper Limited Supply (1)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

limited supply items - leatherworking vendors

Limited Supply Items - Leatherworking Vendors

You will find the leatherworking vendors that sell limited supply patterns in this WoW guide. It is organized by the pattern and is in alphabetical order to make it easier to go through.
Black Dragon scale BootsLokhtos Darkbargainer - Blackrock Depths 16 Gold Limited Supply (1)
Black Dragon scale BreastplatePlugger Spazzring - Black rock Depths 2 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Blue Dragon scale BreastplateBlimo Gadget spring - Azshara 2 Gold Limited Supply (1)

Chimerical GlovesBlimo Gadget spring - Azshara 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Corehound BootsLokhtos Darkbargainer - Blackrock Depths 15 Gold Limited Supply (1)
Devisors GauntletsNergal - Un'Goro Crater 2 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Frostsaber BootsQia - Winterspring 1 Gold 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Gem-Studded Leather BeltRikqiz - Stranglethorn Vale 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Green Dragonscale BreastplateMasat T'andr - Swamp of Sorrows 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Green Leather ArmorGeorge Candarte - Hillsbrad Foothills 20 Silver Limited Supply (1) Wenna Silkbeard - Wetlands 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Green Whelp BracersJangdor Swiftstrider - Feralas 28 Silver Limited Supply (1) Pratt McGrubben - Feralas 28 Silver Limited Supply (1) Saenorion - Darkshore 28 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Heavy QuiverMarda Weller - Stormwind City 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Heavy Scorpio BracersZannok Hidepiercer - Silithus 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Heavy Scorpid HelmZannok Hidepiercer - Silithus 2 Gold 50 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Living Shoulders Jangdor Swiftstrider - Feralas 1 Gold 40 Silver Limited Supply (1) Pratt McGrubben - Feralas 1 Gold 40 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Molten HelmLokhtos Darkbargainer - Blackrock Depths 16 Gold Limited Supply (1)
Murloc Scale BracersBlixrez Good stitch - Strangle thorn Vale 28 Silver Limited Supply (1) Drizzlik - Stranglethorn Vale 28 Silver Limited Supply (1) Map Helenia Olden - Dust wallow Marsh 25 Silver 20 Copper Limited Supply (1) Qixdi Good stitch - Strangle thorn Vale 28 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Nightscape ShouldersDrakk Stone hand - The Hinterlands 40 Silver Limited Supply (1) Jangdor Swiftstrider - Feralas 40 Silver Limited Supply (1) Nioma - The Hinterlands 40 Silver Limited Supply (1) Worb Strongstitch - Feralas 40 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Raptor Hide BeltAndrod Fadran - Arathi Highlands 25 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Runic Leather HeadbandArgent Guard - Eastern Plague lands 2 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1) Jase Far lane - Eastern Plague lands 2 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Shadowskin GlovesRikqiz - Strangle thorn Vale 35 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Stormshroud PantsLeonard Porter - Alterac Mountains 1 Gold 60 Silver Limited Supply (1) Werg Thickblade - Tirisfal Glades 1 Gold 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Thick Murloc HideBlixrez Good stitch - Stranglethorn Vale 6 Silver 50 Copper Limited Supply (1) Christoph Jeffcoat - Hillsbrad Foothills 6 Silver 50 Copper Limited Supply (1) Drizzlik - Stranglethorn Vale 6 Silver 50 Copper Limited Supply (1) Micha Yance - Hillsbrad Foothills 6 Silver 50 Copper Limited Supply (1) Qixdi Goodstitch - Stranglethorn Vale 6 Silver 50 Copper Limited Supply (1)
Turtle Scale GlovesJangdor Swiftstrider - Feralas 35 Silver Limited Supply (1) Pratt McGrubben - Feralas 35 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Warebear WooliesMeilosh - Felwood 2 Gold 27 Silver 50 Copper Unlimited
Wicked Leather GauntletsLeonard Porter - Alterac Mountains 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1) Werg Thickblade - Tirisfal Glades 1 Gold 8 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Just a reminder that all of these limited supply items listed above are patterns. If you were to search the auction house for these remember to put Pattern: in front of it. That is all I have for the leatherworking limited supply vendors. If you have more or you see an error in this list please let me know so I can update this guide.